
Witnesses to History

Eight years ago we were witnesses to history. We were there in heart, in mind, and some of us, in physical being. We call September 11, 2001 one of our nation’s darkest days. A day of Terror. A day when our world as we knew it changed forever. We shared grief for those lost, and relief for those found.

Today as I mark my personal anniversary, I’d like to offer a different perspective that begins in a deeper past, during the time of Plato. Archetypes have been around since the dawn of man, defining the roles we play in our lives. Plato called them Forms, a kind of abstract concept that can be applied to actual things. Carl Jung took this further, stating that archetypes were psychological patterns derived from historical roles in life, as well as universal events or situations.

During and after 9-11, archetypes played a major part in the life-changing situations in which we found ourselves. We were the Hero, The Victim, God & Martyr. We were Rescuer, Warrior, and Avenger. Eventually we added Scribe & Advocate, Storyteller & Healer. Liberator. And we found ourselves sharing the darker shadow side, too.

Throughout history we have been both Destroyer and Destroyed. In America, we repeatedly have enacted the role of the destroyer in the wars, conflicts, and battles we’ve engaged in.

When someone threatened us, threatened our suppliers and (useful) allies, and our ‘way of life’ we were there, guns drawn, wearing the Bully and Victim on our sleeve, avenging any hostile act. We claim that war is unavoidable; but how thoughtfully do we consider the depth and force of our response? Can we name the times we applied the right degree of force? Do we know it was equal to the need?

This year, as the bell chimes at Ground Zero and prayers are read at the Pentagon, consider that we as a nation have colluded with an age-old system that no longer benefits us. A system I feel no longer defines us. Consider that we colluded with that system unconsciously. That we allowed it to happen and we did it together. We have done it many times before; imagine the rapturous gleam in the eyes of southerners when the Confederate flag was brought out during the Civil War.

We have been the Destroyer. We have been the Destroyed. And perhaps it is time for those outgrown, unconscious roles to see the light of day. To shine a light on them brighter than New York’s Tribute in Light. To begin to know them for what they are.

What if we, as individuals, as a nation, and as a global consciousness were to say, I have been both the destroyer and the destroyed, and I no longer stand for either?

What if we said this aloud today, to self and friend, to loved person and colleague? Would we begin to heal the devastation in our hearts?

Let’s dry our tears, raise our heads, and put the experience into a higher perspective. Let’s begin to derive something meaningful from the events of September 11th, rather than cyclically renewing our anger, fear, and rage. Let’s challenge September 11th to give us something more than the ability to harbor a vengeful heart, nearly a decade later.

Today I’ll fly my American flag proudly. But this year, I’ll know in my heart that there is a deeper meaning, a more enlightened perspective somewhere within the stars and the stripes, waiting to be known. A message, a call to something higher.

And I’ll proudly say, “Today, I stand for something more.”

Blessings of Peace, Joy, and Love,


News Update

Over the last several months, I have very much enjoyed creating the monthly newsletter for all of you. As a communicator and an author, this is part of my soul purpose and is something that has given me great pleasure and satisfaction. My heartfelt intention was to offer my wonderful clients a value-added free service.

I’m sure that many of you do not know that providing this free service has not been free of a monthly cost for me. And due to the high quality of current spam guards, too few newsletters actually are reaching their destination! I’m sad to say that together, these two components leave me little choice but to discontinue creating a monthly newsletter.

From time to time, however, I will post some tidbits and articles on the website to keep you abreast of events and news.

I want to thank all of you for your interest and your lovely comments along the way as they are greatly appreciated. I hope each of you derived something unique and valuable from my work to take with you.



New Prayer Circle

During the Summer Solstice 2009 I received a divine mandate to create a simple prayer circle. Based on lifetimes of lightwork, I discovered I am uniquely qualified to down-ray the Light, specifically the 12th Ray Christ Consciousness.

Over the last several years, I received purification of all my bodies as well as a divine attunement that allows me to utilise the Light at this level and to disperse it on a global scale. In part, this mandate dictates that I funnel the 12th Ray Golden Light through the 3rd Ray of Wholeness and Light, as described by the Melchisadec group, Saren, with whom I work daily. This is G-d's Light, Pure Clear Essence, and it is for the benefit of all humanity.

As described to me by Archangel Michael, I no longer need to clear my chakras, ground myself, or clear lower energies. Instead, Michael tells me, I am to utilise the 12th Ray for all my needs. This includes health, manifestations, safety, perfect work, etc... As it is available to me, it is an honor to share it with others, and this is the intention and goal of this prayer circle.

To share the 12th Ray Golden Light with all who desire to partake of it and are willing pass it along to others.

If you'd like to participate in the Circle of Gold, simply send an email including your full name to Prayers go out Friday at sundown for Health, Wealth, Love, and Perfect Self-Expression. The Twelfth Ray is incredibly powerful, so expect to receive its remarkable effects immediately. It is beneficial to remember that you are receiving the Light and to give thanks, so you may like to pray, I am now in perfect balance with the Light. I send its Blessings out to ALL I have come into contact with today. Thank you G-d, for the infinite bounty of Thy blessings! in love and light, love and light, love and light.

It is a great honor to share this work with you and a commitment I am blessed to accept. If you feel called to tithe, please contribute by making a donation of any amount so that I may continue to pay for & manage my website, and to add services over time.
Donate now


Exciting News!

In response to the current economic struggles experienced by us all, I have created a new lower fee schedule. You will still receive the same great in-depth readings, only now at more comfortable prices. I'm grateful to be able to offer you these amazing discounts, so take advantage now.

We're expanding!
Visit us on the web and be sure to check out our new gift shop!

Many blessings,


Living with Purpose

(pûr'pÉ™s) the reason for which something is done; an intended or desired result; end, aim, goal; by design.

"And ever those, who would enjoyment gain/Must find it in the purpose they pursue" (Sarah Josepha Hale).

Hello everyone, welcome back! I hope you are navigating the current tough times with poise and faith.

I am often asked to provide a more in-depth understanding of my work with Sacred Purpose, so I'm posting the following from my April Newsletter.
Members of the Ask Ahliyah community have written to me asking for in-depth information about working with Sacred Purpose, so I'm taking the opportunity to share a bit more about what I do, and how working with your Sacred Purpose positively affects your life on every level.

Have you heard the phrase recently, we live in tough times? As a Sagittarius and an eternal optimist, I used to say that this statement represents the feelings of every generation. Well I'm about to backslide a little. We do live in tough times, archetypically speaking. Beneath our feet a global transformation is occurring. Many of us are getting shaken to our centers as financial, political, and cultural systems are being dismantled. Every system must evolve to its highest capacity; when it reaches a point whereby it can no longer contain its own initial intention, can longer grow and support its parts (w)holistically, the system experiences a shift. We as humans are experiencing this shift, too, in the deepest parts of our being. Our collective work now is not just to survive but to find new ways to thrive, and new avenues through which to do it. It's up to us. This is where each individual's sacred purpose comes in.

I love what I do. I love my life. My Mission Statement reads, My Sacred Purpose is to help you unveil yours so that you can live your life to its highest potential as a developing spiritual being. I want you to fall in love with your life. I want you to get out of bed every morning with the grateful feeling that this will be the best day of your life, no matter what comes. I bet you'd like to feel that way, too.

It's no accident that you were born into this particular epoch of our evolution. You were created to make a unique contribution to the world. Before you were born, you chose a specific set of talents, drives, and ambitions (even disagreeable personality traits!) that would help you to evolve, and ultimately would allow you to serve humanity in the highest possible capacity. You viewed the prospect of your divinely purposeful birth as an exciting time, and with good reason! With this sacred contract in hand, so to speak, you were born into your family, race, financial circumstances, and culture of choice. The contract also called for a kind of post-birth amnesia. Call these circumstances your fate.

Happy Birthday! You were greeted with anticipation, wonder, and hope; yet as you grew, you received familial, cultural and generational conditioning that shifted your focus away from your true desires. Disapproval of your choices -- from adults, your school, your church or synagogue -- became a daily occurrence. You were redirected toward 'acceptable' pursuits, thoughts, and behavior.

As you allowed this fated redirection to occur, you began to forget what makes your heart sing, how beautiful and capable you are, and what you chose to come to Earth to do. Your life seemed to be out of the realm of your own influence. Perhaps thinking your deepest desires were silly, impossible, or unworthy, in your teens and adulthood you allowed the authentic parts of your self to go underground, and you began living someone else's version of your life. Still, there were important guideposts along the way to help you to remember.

Like mile markers on the highway, your passions, relationships, ideals and interests provided valuable clues for altering the course of your life from one of fate to one of conscious purpose. Every divinely guided mile on that highway has brought you to this place in your life so that you could remember who and what you are, and the unique contribution you are here to make.

It begins with the coordinates of your soul -- your birth. Then, by identifying the sacred forms, or archetypes, that are unique to the moment of your birth, a living blueprint emerges. This blueprint is the foundation of your personality, beliefs, drives, feelings, and actions. Once clarified, it is literally designed to guide you from fate to destiny. Your sacred purpose.

Working with your sacred purpose triggers a greater sense of meaning and fulfillment in your life; helps you to be more effective in your home, workplace, and community; merges your heart's desires with your goals; inspires and motivates others; and brings you into harmony with your noble self.

The keys to your fulfillment are within reach. We'll work together to unveil the calling of your soul and to complete the picture that forever will alter the direction and tenor of your life.

What aspect of your life would you like to improve right now? Take a moment to imagine how that exciting life would look and feel to you.

Is it free from anxiety and worry? Is there greater health, wealth, and peace of mind? Are you engaged in loving, compassionate relationships? Is a sense of joy and completion a daily occurrence?

The power of full engagement begins with an investment in your personal destiny. Know that when you give the best of your true self to the world, the world, in turn, will give YOU the best it has to offer.

Contact me now to arrange your appointment. It's your life, and it's calling.

copyright 2009 Freewill Cafe Enterprises
All Rights Reserved

An Exciting Offer

It's been a while since I've posted, but today I have an exciting offer;
Book your sacred purpose consultation between now and April 24 (when Venus is direct again in Aries) and receive 40% OFF the regular price.

What you'll receive:
A Sacred Purpose consultation consists of one hour on the phone with Ahliyah.

Your consultation will provide you with a deep understanding of the cultural, generational, and familial archetypes you were born into, their impact in your life, and the divine purpose of the main obstacles to happiness in your life. I'll use integrative approaches to help you clarify, address, and begin to disintigrate these obstacles. You'll also be given your unique key to making the shift from fate to destiny.

Throughout your consultation we'll delve deeply into the sacred work you were specifically born to offer to the world. Your personality, your actions, feelings, thoughts and motivations are all unique to you, and together they point toward the calling of your soul; your destiny -- your sacred purpose.

This is a life-transforming process that will begin to alter the direction of your life immediately.
With your initial consultation you'll also receive a copy of your birth chart, and a digital reference of your session with a free gift by mail.

Would you like to think about it or say yes now?



A Little Bit O'Magic

Are you waiting for a magical future that never seems to come?
Would you like to know the secret to creating a fulfilling life now?
Ask me about the FIVE SURE-FIRE WAYS to get everything you desire. The truth is, there's no need to wait to have what you desire; you can start attracting it right away.

Here's a lovely thought for the day.
The past is perfect because it cannot be changed. Our now was created in the present-past, which means our present is perfect also. Since our future is created in the now, our future, therefore, is perfect too.

Thus our only point of power is in the present. So why are you feeling so unsatisfied, so unhappy?

I can tell you why, and so much more.

Contact me at my website and we'll get started creating your ideal life right away!

And remember to ask about the Five Sure-Fire Ways to get EVERYTHING you desire.